B.Marie Photography: Blog https://www.bmarie.org/blog en-us (C) B.Marie Photography (B.Marie Photography) Tue, 17 Aug 2021 06:33:00 GMT Tue, 17 Aug 2021 06:33:00 GMT https://www.bmarie.org/img/s/v-12/u536547414-o287016381-50.jpg B.Marie Photography: Blog https://www.bmarie.org/blog 80 120 Androgyny Slam {2021} https://www.bmarie.org/blog/2021/8/androgyny-slam Androgyny Slam

Hosted by @Portrait_Slam

Shelton McMurphey Johnson House


(B.Marie Photography) Androgyny Slam B Marie Photography b.marie B.Marie Photography Eugene OR Portrait Slam https://www.bmarie.org/blog/2021/8/androgyny-slam Tue, 17 Aug 2021 06:32:06 GMT
Cas Prom {Owen's Rose Garden} 2019 https://www.bmarie.org/blog/2020/8/cas-prom-owens-rose-garden-2019 Location: Owen's Rose Garden

(B.Marie Photography) B Marie Photography b.marie B.Marie Photography eugene Eugene OR Oregon https://www.bmarie.org/blog/2020/8/cas-prom-owens-rose-garden-2019 Wed, 26 Aug 2020 07:47:51 GMT
Woodland Goddesses at Silver Falls {2020} https://www.bmarie.org/blog/2020/4/woodland-goddesses-at-silver-falls-2020 Location: Silver Falls

Models: @lifeofshel & @alexandrahagel


(B.Marie Photography) B Marie Photography b.marie b.marie photography Oregon Photography Oregon Waterfalls Silver Falls Silver Falls Oregon https://www.bmarie.org/blog/2020/4/woodland-goddesses-at-silver-falls-2020 Fri, 03 Apr 2020 03:32:30 GMT
Thalia Cosplay {2019} https://www.bmarie.org/blog/2020/4/thalia-cosplay Cosplay: Thalia from Magic the Gathering

Cosplayer: @zbexx

Location: Skinner's Butte


(B.Marie Photography) B Marie Photography B.Marie B.Marie Photography Cosplay Cosplay Photography Eugene OR Magic the Gathering Skinner's Butte Thalia https://www.bmarie.org/blog/2020/4/thalia-cosplay Fri, 03 Apr 2020 03:26:59 GMT
Shelby: Crystal Witch { 2019 } Dorris Ranch https://www.bmarie.org/blog/2020/1/shelby-crystal-witch-2019-dorris-ranch I found a witch in the woods. She showed me her crystals and cast some spells <3 

Location: Dorris Ranch 


(B.Marie Photography) B Marie Photography B.Marie B.Marie Photography Dorris Ranch Eugene OR Springfield https://www.bmarie.org/blog/2020/1/shelby-crystal-witch-2019-dorris-ranch Thu, 30 Jan 2020 03:25:34 GMT
Alyssa & Brandon {2019} Emerald Valley Golf Course https://www.bmarie.org/blog/2020/1/alyssa-brandon-2019-emerald-valley-golf-course Alyssa & Brandon {2019} Emerald Valley Golf Course

(B.Marie Photography) b marie photography b.marie photography emerald valley golf course oregon wedding pnw wedding https://www.bmarie.org/blog/2020/1/alyssa-brandon-2019-emerald-valley-golf-course Mon, 20 Jan 2020 07:06:45 GMT
April & Dylan {2018} Camp Lane https://www.bmarie.org/blog/2020/1/april-dylan-2018-camp-lane April & Dylan {2018} Camp Lane

(B.Marie Photography) B Marie Photography b.marie photography Camp Lane Camp Lane Wedding Oregon Wedding PNW Wedding https://www.bmarie.org/blog/2020/1/april-dylan-2018-camp-lane Mon, 20 Jan 2020 06:57:17 GMT
Youn & Creighton {2018} Lincoln City, OR https://www.bmarie.org/blog/2020/1/youn-creighton-2018-lincoln-city-or Youn & Creighton {2018} Lincoln City, OR

(B.Marie Photography) B Marie Photography b.marie B.Marie Photography Oregon Wedding PNW Wedding https://www.bmarie.org/blog/2020/1/youn-creighton-2018-lincoln-city-or Mon, 20 Jan 2020 06:51:34 GMT
Katie & Sean {2018} Three Strand Farms https://www.bmarie.org/blog/2020/1/katie-sean-2018-three-strand-farms Katie & Sean {2018} Three Strand Farms

(B.Marie Photography) B Marie Photography b.marie photography Oregon Wedding PNW Wedding Three Strand Farms https://www.bmarie.org/blog/2020/1/katie-sean-2018-three-strand-farms Mon, 20 Jan 2020 06:51:25 GMT
Tricia & Joey {2018} https://www.bmarie.org/blog/2020/1/tricia-joey-2018 Tricia & Joey {2018} 

(B.Marie Photography) b marie photography b.marie b.marie photography oregon wedding pnw wedding https://www.bmarie.org/blog/2020/1/tricia-joey-2018 Mon, 20 Jan 2020 06:45:11 GMT
Myndi & Chris {2019} Bend, OR https://www.bmarie.org/blog/2020/1/myndi-chris-2019-bend-or Myndi & Chris {2019} Bend, OR

(B.Marie Photography) B Marie Photography b.marie b.marie photography Bend Wedding Oregon wedding PNW Wedding Winter Wedding https://www.bmarie.org/blog/2020/1/myndi-chris-2019-bend-or Mon, 20 Jan 2020 06:42:19 GMT
Nicole & Brian {2018} AtaVista Farm https://www.bmarie.org/blog/2020/1/nichole-brian-2018-atavista-farm Nicole & Brian {2018} AtaVista Farm

(B.Marie Photography) AtaVista Farm B Marie Photography b.marie b.marie photography Oregon Wedding https://www.bmarie.org/blog/2020/1/nichole-brian-2018-atavista-farm Mon, 20 Jan 2020 06:34:56 GMT
Nicholas + Jocelyne + Enid + Arthur {2019} Dorris Ranch https://www.bmarie.org/blog/2020/1/nicholas-jocelyne-enid-arthur Location: Dorris Ranch

(B.Marie Photography) B Marie Photography b.marie b.marie photography Dorris Ranch Oregon Family Portraits https://www.bmarie.org/blog/2020/1/nicholas-jocelyne-enid-arthur Tue, 14 Jan 2020 03:29:00 GMT
Nathan + Sami-Jo + Ember + Aya {2019} https://www.bmarie.org/blog/2020/1/nathan-sami-jo-ember-aya-2019 Location: Private Residence, Springfield OR

(B.Marie Photography) B Marie Photography B.Marie B.Marie Photography Newborn Photography Oregon Family Portraits https://www.bmarie.org/blog/2020/1/nathan-sami-jo-ember-aya-2019 Tue, 14 Jan 2020 03:23:33 GMT
Fam Jam {2019} Dorris Ranch https://www.bmarie.org/blog/2020/1/fam-jam-2019-dorris-ranch Location: Dorris Ranch

(B.Marie Photography) B Marie Photography b.marie b.marie photography Dorris Ranch Oregon Family Portraits https://www.bmarie.org/blog/2020/1/fam-jam-2019-dorris-ranch Tue, 14 Jan 2020 03:20:58 GMT
Amberle & Reed {2019} Dorris Ranch https://www.bmarie.org/blog/2020/1/amberle-reed-2019-dorris-ranch Location: Dorris Ranch


(B.Marie Photography) b marie photography b.marie photography bmarie photography dorris ranch oregon family portraits https://www.bmarie.org/blog/2020/1/amberle-reed-2019-dorris-ranch Tue, 14 Jan 2020 02:53:16 GMT
Jett + Joy + Roscoe + Jovi {2019} Hendrick's Park https://www.bmarie.org/blog/2020/1/jett-joy-roscoe-jovi-2019-hendricks-park Location: Hendrick's Park


(B.Marie Photography) B Marie Photography B.Marie B.Marie Photography Hendrick's Park Oregon Family Portraits https://www.bmarie.org/blog/2020/1/jett-joy-roscoe-jovi-2019-hendricks-park Tue, 14 Jan 2020 02:40:47 GMT
Mistie + Michael + Katelynn + Brayden {2019} Hendrick's Park https://www.bmarie.org/blog/2020/1/mistie-michael-katelynn-brayden-2019-hendricks-park Location: Hendrick's Park


(B.Marie Photography) B Marie Photography b.marie b.marie photography Hendrick's Park Oregon Family Portraits https://www.bmarie.org/blog/2020/1/mistie-michael-katelynn-brayden-2019-hendricks-park Tue, 14 Jan 2020 02:31:28 GMT
Dylan {Senior} Hendrick's Park https://www.bmarie.org/blog/2020/1/dylan-senior-hendricks-park Location: Hendrick's Park in Eugene, OR


(B.Marie Photography) oregon B Marie Photography b.marie b.marie photography Hendrick's Park Oregon Seniors Senior Portraits https://www.bmarie.org/blog/2020/1/dylan-senior-hendricks-park Mon, 13 Jan 2020 08:34:45 GMT
Donovan {Senior} Dorris Ranch https://www.bmarie.org/blog/2020/1/donovan-senior-dorris-ranch Location: Dorris Ranch

(B.Marie Photography) B Marie Photography b.marie b.marie photography Oregon Seniors Senior Portraits https://www.bmarie.org/blog/2020/1/donovan-senior-dorris-ranch Mon, 13 Jan 2020 08:11:30 GMT
Captain Marvel Cosplay Downtown Eugene https://www.bmarie.org/blog/2020/1/captain-marvel-cosplay-downtown-eugene Cosplayer: @Zbexx

(B.Marie Photography) B Marie Photography BMarie Photography Captain Marvel Captain Marvel Cosplay Oregon Cosplay https://www.bmarie.org/blog/2020/1/captain-marvel-cosplay-downtown-eugene Mon, 13 Jan 2020 07:43:03 GMT
Rey - Star Wars Cosplay {2019} https://www.bmarie.org/blog/2019/10/rey-2019 Rey 2019

Florence, Dunes & Coast


(B.Marie Photography) B Marie Photography b.marie b.marie photography Cosplay Cosplay Photography Rey Cosplay https://www.bmarie.org/blog/2019/10/rey-2019 Tue, 29 Oct 2019 07:43:09 GMT
Spider Gwen {May 2019} https://www.bmarie.org/blog/2019/5/spider-gwen-may-2019 Cosplay: Spider Gwen

Cosplayer: @kya.kat

Location: Downtown Eugene


(B.Marie Photography) B Marie Photography b.marie b.marie photography Cosplay Photography Eugene OR Spider Gwen Spider Gwen Cosplay SpiderGwen https://www.bmarie.org/blog/2019/5/spider-gwen-may-2019 Thu, 30 May 2019 07:57:14 GMT
Thor & Deadpool {2018} https://www.bmarie.org/blog/2019/5/thor-deadpool-2018 Mid-way through Free Comic Book Day this year Thor, Deadpool and I made our way around the corner to these neat pylons to snag a few portraits. 


This is a little composite I did with one of Thor's photos:


(B.Marie Photography) B Marie Photography b.marie b.marie photography Cosplay Deadpool Deadpool Cosplay Eugene OR Oregon Thor Cosplay https://www.bmarie.org/blog/2019/5/thor-deadpool-2018 Mon, 13 May 2019 05:53:40 GMT
Star Wars Oregon at Kidfest 2018 https://www.bmarie.org/blog/2019/2/star-wars-oregon-at-kidfest-2018 Star Wars Oregon

Kidfest at the Portland Expo Center


(B.Marie Photography) B Marie Photography b.marie photography Cosplay Photography Star Wars Cosplay Star Wars Oregon https://www.bmarie.org/blog/2019/2/star-wars-oregon-at-kidfest-2018 Thu, 07 Feb 2019 06:13:04 GMT
Star Wars Oregon at Walk for Wishes {Portland Oregon Zoo} 2018 https://www.bmarie.org/blog/2019/2/star-wars-oregon-at-walk-for-wishes-portland-oregon-zoo-2018 Star Wars Oregon at Walk for Wishes

Portland Oregon Zoo



(B.Marie Photography) B Marie Photography b.marie photography Cosplay Photography Star Wars Cosplay Star Wars Oregon Walk for Wishes https://www.bmarie.org/blog/2019/2/star-wars-oregon-at-walk-for-wishes-portland-oregon-zoo-2018 Thu, 07 Feb 2019 05:36:24 GMT
Superhero Night {Eugene Emeralds} 2018 https://www.bmarie.org/blog/2019/2/superhero-night-eugene-emeralds-2018 Superhero Night

Eugene Emeralds at PK Park


(B.Marie Photography) B Marie Photography b.marie photography Cosplay Cosplay Photography EMS Eugene Emeralds https://www.bmarie.org/blog/2019/2/superhero-night-eugene-emeralds-2018 Wed, 06 Feb 2019 06:17:12 GMT
Dylan {Downtown Eugene} 2018 https://www.bmarie.org/blog/2019/2/dylan-downtown-eugene-2018 Dylan

Downtown Eugene


(B.Marie Photography) B Marie Photography b.marie photography Downtown Eugene Eugene OR https://www.bmarie.org/blog/2019/2/dylan-downtown-eugene-2018 Wed, 06 Feb 2019 01:38:37 GMT
Nick + Jocelyne + Enid {Christmas Photos} 2018 https://www.bmarie.org/blog/2019/2/nick-jocelyne-enid-christmas-photos-2018 Nick + Jocelyne + Enid

Christmas Photos


(B.Marie Photography) B Marie Photography b.marie photography Christmas Photos https://www.bmarie.org/blog/2019/2/nick-jocelyne-enid-christmas-photos-2018 Tue, 05 Feb 2019 05:58:34 GMT
Haylee {Marist Catholic High School} 2018 https://www.bmarie.org/blog/2019/2/haylee-marist-catholic-high-school-2018 Haylee

Marist Catholic High School

Senior 2018

(B.Marie Photography) B Marie Photography b.marie photography Eugene Senior Portraits Eugene OR Oregon Senior Portraits Senior Portraits https://www.bmarie.org/blog/2019/2/haylee-marist-catholic-high-school-2018 Mon, 04 Feb 2019 06:46:06 GMT
Brittany {Riverfront Park} 2016 https://www.bmarie.org/blog/2019/2/brittany-riverfront-park-2016 Brittany

Riverfront Park, Harrisburg OR

Senior 2016

(B.Marie Photography) B Marie Photography b.marie photography Harrisburg OR Riverfront Park https://www.bmarie.org/blog/2019/2/brittany-riverfront-park-2016 Sat, 02 Feb 2019 06:24:41 GMT
Taytum {Dorris Ranch} 2018 https://www.bmarie.org/blog/2019/2/taytum-dorris-ranch-2018 Taytum

Dorris Ranch

2018 Senior 

(B.Marie Photography) B Marie Photography b.marie photography Dorris Ranch Dorris Ranch Photoshoot Oregon Senior portraits Senior Portraits https://www.bmarie.org/blog/2019/2/taytum-dorris-ranch-2018 Sat, 02 Feb 2019 04:30:13 GMT
Star Wars Oregon {Evergreen Aviation and Space Museum} 2019 https://www.bmarie.org/blog/2019/2/star-wars-oregon-evergreen-aviation-and-space-museum-2019 Star Wars Oregon

Evergreen Aviation and Space Museum



(B.Marie Photography) B Marie Photography b.marie photography Cosplay Photography Evergreen Aviation and Space Museum Evergreen Aviation museum Star Wars Cosplay Star Wars Oregon https://www.bmarie.org/blog/2019/2/star-wars-oregon-evergreen-aviation-and-space-museum-2019 Fri, 01 Feb 2019 19:42:53 GMT
Nick + Enid {Mary's Peak} 2019 https://www.bmarie.org/blog/2019/1/nick-enid-marys-peak-2019 Nick + Enid

Mary's Peak


(B.Marie Photography) B Marie Photography B.Marie Photography Mary's Peak Mary's Peak Photoshoot https://www.bmarie.org/blog/2019/1/nick-enid-marys-peak-2019 Fri, 01 Feb 2019 04:41:27 GMT
Danielle + Adam { Bald Hill } 2019 https://www.bmarie.org/blog/2019/1/danielle-adam-bald-hill-2019 Danielle + Adam

Maternity Shoot

Bald Hill - 2018


(B.Marie Photography) B Marie Photography b.marie b.marie photography Bald Hill Bald Hill Photoshoot Blad Hill Corvallis https://www.bmarie.org/blog/2019/1/danielle-adam-bald-hill-2019 Mon, 21 Jan 2019 18:19:45 GMT
Jenna + Brad + Nathan + Devin + Chrisanna + Micah https://www.bmarie.org/blog/2018/12/jenna-brad-nathan-devin-chrisanna-micah Hendrick's Park - 2018

(B.Marie Photography) b marie photography b.marie b.marie photography eugene Eugene Oregon https://www.bmarie.org/blog/2018/12/jenna-brad-nathan-devin-chrisanna-micah Thu, 20 Dec 2018 04:34:24 GMT
Megan + Levi + Alyssa + Luke + Ava {2018} https://www.bmarie.org/blog/2018/12/megan-levi-alyssa-luke-ava-2018

(B.Marie Photography) Oregon B Marie Photography b.marie B.Marie Photography Eugene Portrait Photography https://www.bmarie.org/blog/2018/12/megan-levi-alyssa-luke-ava-2018 Thu, 13 Dec 2018 07:49:27 GMT
Casey {Downtown Eugene} 2018 https://www.bmarie.org/blog/2018/9/casey-downtown-eugene-2018 Location: Downtown Eugene, OR


(B.Marie Photography) B Marie Photography b.marie b.marie photography eugene Eugene OR Oregon https://www.bmarie.org/blog/2018/9/casey-downtown-eugene-2018 Fri, 14 Sep 2018 07:47:37 GMT
Katie + Sean + Tae + Titan {Hendrick's Park} 2018 https://www.bmarie.org/blog/2018/7/katie-sean-tae-titan-hendricks-park-2018 Katie + Sean + Tae + Titan 

Hendrick's Park

(B.Marie Photography) B Marie Photography b.marie B.Marie Photography eugene Eugene OR Oregon Hendrick's Park Springfield https://www.bmarie.org/blog/2018/7/katie-sean-tae-titan-hendricks-park-2018 Wed, 18 Jul 2018 05:19:36 GMT
Sam's Birthday Redo {2018} https://www.bmarie.org/blog/2018/6/sams-birthday-redo-2018 On Friday June 8th, something pretty cool happened in downtown Eugene. But this story actually began 6 days earlier, when a young man name Sam and his mother were asked to leave a showing of Deadpool 2. 

But don't worry, because this story ends happy. After Brenda shared the post, it hit the internet like wildfire, and the community responded. Listed at the bottom of this post are all the amazing local businesses and community members that stepped up to give Sam a birthday redo. Sam and several friends and family were invited to the Broadway Metro for a private viewing of Deadpool 2, and they had some super company. 

Broadway Metro
Radar Toys
Rick Dancer
Reality Kitchen
And of course, all the amazing cosplayers with Poolie's Angels! 

(B.Marie Photography) b marie photography b.marie b.marie photography broadway metro deadpool 2 eucon eugene or oregon radar toys reality kitchen rick dancer https://www.bmarie.org/blog/2018/6/sams-birthday-redo-2018 Sat, 09 Jun 2018 19:25:03 GMT
Myndi + Chris + Bronwyn {Dorris Ranch} 2018 https://www.bmarie.org/blog/2018/6/myndi-chris-bronwyn-dorris-ranch-2018 Location: Dorris Ranch

Note: if you're going for the zombie baby look, just get yourself some blackberries. 


(B.Marie Photography) or b marie photography b.marie b.marie photography dorris ranch dorris ranch engagement engagement shoot springfield https://www.bmarie.org/blog/2018/6/myndi-chris-bronwyn-dorris-ranch-2018 Fri, 08 Jun 2018 23:42:08 GMT
Katie, Sean + Tae + Titan {Owens Rose Garden} 2017 https://www.bmarie.org/blog/2018/5/katie-sean-tae-maternity-owens-rose-garden-2017 Shoot: Maternity

Location: Owen's Rose Garden - Eugene, OR


(B.Marie Photography) or oregon b marie photography b.marie b.marie photography eugene maternity portraits owen's rose garden https://www.bmarie.org/blog/2018/5/katie-sean-tae-maternity-owens-rose-garden-2017 Wed, 23 May 2018 16:57:09 GMT
Jett, Joy, Jovi + Roscoe {Alton Baker Park} 2017 https://www.bmarie.org/blog/2018/5/jett-joy-jovi-roscoe-alton-baker-park-2017 Location: Alton Baker Park

(B.Marie Photography) or alton baker park b marie photography b.marie b.marie photography eugene springfield https://www.bmarie.org/blog/2018/5/jett-joy-jovi-roscoe-alton-baker-park-2017 Wed, 23 May 2018 05:51:37 GMT
Shanen + Bailey {Dorris Ranch} 2018 https://www.bmarie.org/blog/2018/5/shanen-bailey-dorris-ranch-2018 Location: Dorris Ranch


(B.Marie Photography) b marie photography b.marie b.marie photography dorris ranch dorris ranch portraits eugene or oregon springfield https://www.bmarie.org/blog/2018/5/shanen-bailey-dorris-ranch-2018 Fri, 18 May 2018 06:08:01 GMT
Raychel + Tex + Iris {Maternity} 2018 https://www.bmarie.org/blog/2018/4/raychel-tex-iris-maternity-2018 Location: Clear Lake


(B.Marie Photography) or oregon b marie photography b.marie b.marie photography clear lake eugene eugene photographer maternity portraits portrait photography springfield https://www.bmarie.org/blog/2018/4/raychel-tex-iris-maternity-2018 Fri, 27 Apr 2018 01:56:37 GMT
Brittany + Devan {Skyliner's Lodge Wedding} 2017 https://www.bmarie.org/blog/2018/4/brittany-devan-skyliners-lodge-wedding-2017

(B.Marie Photography) b marie photography b.marie b.marie photography bend bend skyliners lodge bend wedding or oregon wedding skyliners lodge skyliners lodge wedding https://www.bmarie.org/blog/2018/4/brittany-devan-skyliners-lodge-wedding-2017 Fri, 27 Apr 2018 01:34:15 GMT
Jeff & Breeanna {Black Butte Ranch Wedding 2017} https://www.bmarie.org/blog/2018/4/jeff-breeanna-black-butte-ranch-wedding-2018

(B.Marie Photography) b marie photography b.marie b.marie photography black butte ranch black butte ranch wedding oregon wedding https://www.bmarie.org/blog/2018/4/jeff-breeanna-black-butte-ranch-wedding-2018 Fri, 27 Apr 2018 01:33:34 GMT
Kirsten & Dan {Peninsula Park Wedding} 2017 https://www.bmarie.org/blog/2018/4/kirsten-dan-peninsula-park-wedding-2017 Portraits at: Peninsula Park

(B.Marie Photography) b marie photography b.marie b.marie photography oregon weddings peninsula park wedding portland wedding https://www.bmarie.org/blog/2018/4/kirsten-dan-peninsula-park-wedding-2017 Fri, 27 Apr 2018 01:32:54 GMT
Kristen + Kyle {Village Green Resort} Wedding 2017 https://www.bmarie.org/blog/2018/4/kristen-kyle-village-green-resort-2017

(B.Marie Photography) or oregon b marie photography b.marie b.marie photography eugene village green village green resort village green resort wedding village green wedding https://www.bmarie.org/blog/2018/4/kristen-kyle-village-green-resort-2017 Fri, 27 Apr 2018 01:28:24 GMT
Sami-Jo & Nathan {Endicott Farms Wedding} 2016 https://www.bmarie.org/blog/2018/4/sami-jo-nathan-endicott-farms-wedding-2016 Venue: Endicott Farms 

(B.Marie Photography) oregon b marie photography b.marie b.marie photography endicott farms endicott farms wedding eugene or springfield https://www.bmarie.org/blog/2018/4/sami-jo-nathan-endicott-farms-wedding-2016 Fri, 27 Apr 2018 01:25:03 GMT
Jordyn + Cody {Rancho Alantro Wedding} 2016 https://www.bmarie.org/blog/2018/4/jordyn-cody-rancho-alantro-wedding-2016 Wedding Venue: Rancho Alantro

(B.Marie Photography) or oregon b marie photography b.marie b.marie photography eugene oregon wedding rancho alantro rancho alantro wedding springfield https://www.bmarie.org/blog/2018/4/jordyn-cody-rancho-alantro-wedding-2016 Fri, 27 Apr 2018 01:02:42 GMT
Cassie + Jason {Wedding} 2016 https://www.bmarie.org/blog/2018/4/cassie-jason-wedding-2016

(B.Marie Photography) or oregon b marie photography b.marie b.marie photography eugene oregon wedding https://www.bmarie.org/blog/2018/4/cassie-jason-wedding-2016 Fri, 27 Apr 2018 01:02:19 GMT
Zach & Angel {First Baptist Church, Newton Wedding} 2014 https://www.bmarie.org/blog/2018/4/zach-angel-first-baptist-church-newton-wedding-2014

(B.Marie Photography) b marie photography b.marie b.marie photography boston wedding first baptist church in newton newton wedding same sex weddings oregon https://www.bmarie.org/blog/2018/4/zach-angel-first-baptist-church-newton-wedding-2014 Fri, 27 Apr 2018 01:01:45 GMT
Janette & Peter {Acorn City Park Wedding} 2014 https://www.bmarie.org/blog/2018/4/janette-peter-acorn-city-park-2014 Venue: Acorn City Park

(B.Marie Photography) or oregon acorn city park acorn city park wedding b marie photography b.marie b.marie photography eugene eugene weddings oregon weddings https://www.bmarie.org/blog/2018/4/janette-peter-acorn-city-park-2014 Fri, 27 Apr 2018 01:01:23 GMT
Jennifer & Heath {Hendrick's Park Wedding} 2014 https://www.bmarie.org/blog/2018/4/jennifer-heath-hendricks-park-wedding-2014 Venue: Hendrick's Park

(B.Marie Photography) or oregon b marie photography b.marie b.marie photography eugene hendrick's park hendrick's park wedding springfield https://www.bmarie.org/blog/2018/4/jennifer-heath-hendricks-park-wedding-2014 Fri, 27 Apr 2018 01:00:52 GMT
Courtney & Scott {Harriett B. Wick Chapel Wedding} 2013 https://www.bmarie.org/blog/2018/4/courtney-scott-harriett-b-wick-chapel-wedding-2013 Ceremony: Harriett B. Wick Chapel - Pitt-Bradford - University of Pittsburgh

(B.Marie Photography) b marie photography b.marie b.marie photography harriett b. wick chapel harriett b. wick chapel wedding https://www.bmarie.org/blog/2018/4/courtney-scott-harriett-b-wick-chapel-wedding-2013 Fri, 27 Apr 2018 01:00:14 GMT
Ashely + Trevor {Cloverdale Chapel} Wedding 2017 https://www.bmarie.org/blog/2018/4/ashely-trevor-cloverdale-chapel-2017

(B.Marie Photography) oregon b marie photography b.marie b.marie photography cloverdale chapel cloverdale chapel wedding country wedding eugene eugene wedding oregon weddings https://www.bmarie.org/blog/2018/4/ashely-trevor-cloverdale-chapel-2017 Fri, 27 Apr 2018 00:59:31 GMT
Alyssa + Brandon {E-shoot Detering Orchards} 2018 https://www.bmarie.org/blog/2018/4/alyssa-brandon-e-shoot-detering-orchards-2018 Location: Detering Orchards

(B.Marie Photography) b marie photography b.marie b.marie photography detering orchards engagement portraits eugene oregon portrait photography https://www.bmarie.org/blog/2018/4/alyssa-brandon-e-shoot-detering-orchards-2018 Thu, 12 Apr 2018 23:40:19 GMT
Oregon Coast Comic Con Mini Cosplay Shoot https://www.bmarie.org/blog/2018/3/oregon-coast-comic-con-mini-cosplay-shoot So last weekend I attended the Oregon Coast Comic Con! On the second day, I met up with a few cosplayers to do a (very) quick mini shoot! They found an awesome little space away from all the noise, and in about 30 minutes, we cranked out this shoot! 

Location: Tillamook Air Museum


Wolverine - Corydon S. Cailteux

Cable - Lukas Jamieson

Link - Michael Lyons

(B.Marie Photography) b marie photography b.marie b.marie photography cable cosplay cosplay cosplay photography link cosplay oregon oregon coast comic con tillamook air museum wolverine cosplay https://www.bmarie.org/blog/2018/3/oregon-coast-comic-con-mini-cosplay-shoot Wed, 28 Mar 2018 15:55:52 GMT
Nick, Joce & Enid {2017} https://www.bmarie.org/blog/2017/11/nick-joce-enid-2017 Spent some time with Nick & Jocelyn, and the new lady in their life, little miss Enid. <3

(B.Marie Photography) b marie photography b.marie b.marie photography eugene or oregon newborn newborn photography newborn shoot portrait photography portraits https://www.bmarie.org/blog/2017/11/nick-joce-enid-2017 Thu, 30 Nov 2017 07:35:55 GMT
Shelby & Ariyah { 2017 } Lone Pine Farms https://www.bmarie.org/blog/2017/11/shelby-ariyah-2017-lone-pine-farms A little time at Lone Pine Farms pumpkin patch with Shelby and Ariyah! 

(B.Marie Photography) b marie photography b.marie b.marie photography eugene or oregon lone pine farms portrait photography portraits pumpkin patch pumpkin patch photoshoot https://www.bmarie.org/blog/2017/11/shelby-ariyah-2017-lone-pine-farms Sun, 05 Nov 2017 02:27:45 GMT
Caylee {Senior 2015} https://www.bmarie.org/blog/2015/12/caylee-senior-2015 Hey Everyone! So last weekend I got together with Caylee and her sister Laycee over at Alton Baker Park for Caylee's senior portraits! Low and behold, we somehow managed to avoid the rain! In fact, the weather was just right!

So, we made our way around Alton Baker, and got some AMAZING shots. Of course, I'm a little biased, but I think they turned out pretty rad for a last minute senior shoot :) 

To check out Caylee's full album and purchase prints or digital downloads, follow this link:

(B.Marie Photography) Alton Baker Park B Marie Photography B.Marie B.Marie Photography Eugene, OR Eugene, Oregon Portrait Photography Portraits Senior Portraits Seniors Seniors 2015 Springfield, OR Springfield, Oregon https://www.bmarie.org/blog/2015/12/caylee-senior-2015 Tue, 15 Dec 2015 17:38:33 GMT
Michael {Senior 2015} https://www.bmarie.org/blog/2015/11/michael-senior-2015 So a few weeks back I got to hang out with Michael here down over near Alton Baker Park. After we got his keys out the trunk of the car that he totally locked himself out of, we got some rather dashing shots! ;) 

To view the entire album and to purchase prints and digital downloads, follow this link:

(B.Marie Photography) Alton Baker Park B Marie Photography B.Marie B.Marie Photography Eugene, OR Eugene, Oregon Portrait Photography Portraits Senior Portraits Springfield, OR Springfield, Oregon https://www.bmarie.org/blog/2015/11/michael-senior-2015 Tue, 01 Dec 2015 00:03:41 GMT
Joy + Jett + Roscoe + Jovi {Family 2015} https://www.bmarie.org/blog/2015/11/joy-jett-roscoe-jovi-family-2015 Whew! So I'm a little behind on blog posts again! Oh No! 

Catch up time! So many weeks back I got to hang out with the Hatch family again! They were one of my first family's from last year's Groupon deal, so I was super excited when I got an email from them this year! So, we met up on a nice fall day over at Mt. Pisgah! 

To view the entire album and to purchase prints and digital downloads, follow this link:


(B.Marie Photography) B Marie Photography B.Marie B.Marie Photography Eugene, OR Eugene, Oregon Family Portraits Mt. Pisgah Portrait Photography Portraits Springfield, OR Springfield, Oregon https://www.bmarie.org/blog/2015/11/joy-jett-roscoe-jovi-family-2015 Wed, 25 Nov 2015 20:25:52 GMT
Jason & Cassie {E-Shoot 2015} https://www.bmarie.org/blog/2015/11/jason-cassie-e-shoot-2015 So this engagement shoot is actually a two-parter. The first time we met up at Mt. Pisgah here in Eugene, we totally got rained out. We were able to get a few shots in, buuuut Jason and Cassie were drenched pretty quickly!

So, we got together again a few days later as the sun was going down. 

To see their entire album and to purchase prints and digital downloads, follow this link:


(B.Marie Photography) B Marie Photography B.Marie B.Marie Photography E-shoot Engagement Shoot Eugene, OR Eugene, Oregon Mt. Pisgah Portrait Photography Portraits Springfield, OR Springfield, Oregon https://www.bmarie.org/blog/2015/11/jason-cassie-e-shoot-2015 Mon, 16 Nov 2015 19:48:13 GMT
Pete + Summer + Drake + Ben + Noah + Landen {Family 2015} https://www.bmarie.org/blog/2015/11/pete-summer-drake-ben-noah-landen-family-2015 So, I got to check out the Currin Covered Bridge over in Cottage Grove for the first time to meet up with this fun bunch! Check out how we did! ;) 

To check out the full album and to purchase prints and downloads, follow this link:

(B.Marie Photography) B Marie Photography B.Marie B.Marie Photography Cottage Grove, Oregon Currin Bridge Currin Covered Bridge Eugene, OR Eugene, Oregon Family Portraits Portrait Photography Portraits Springfield, OR Springfield, Oregon https://www.bmarie.org/blog/2015/11/pete-summer-drake-ben-noah-landen-family-2015 Thu, 05 Nov 2015 22:25:19 GMT
Shelly { Portraits 2015 } https://www.bmarie.org/blog/2015/10/shelly-portraits-2015 Hey Everyone! A few weeks ago I went down to Cottage Grove for the first time to hang out with the lovely Shelly for a few photos at her studio, Garden of Ink!

To see the entire album and to purchase prints/digital downloads, please follow this link:


(B.Marie Photography) B Marie Photography B.Marie B.Marie Photography Cottage Grove Cottage Grove, OR Eugene, OR Eugene, Oregon Garden of Ink Portrait Photography Portraits Springfield, OR Springfield, Oregon https://www.bmarie.org/blog/2015/10/shelly-portraits-2015 Thu, 15 Oct 2015 21:57:12 GMT
Defiant Diva: Laycee {2015} https://www.bmarie.org/blog/2015/9/defiant-diva-laycee-2015 Hey Everyone! So this is my third blog post from my last shoot with the Defiant Diva! This one will feature the lovely Laycee! 

So basically what we do every month is get together with a hairdresser and a make-up artist down at the Defiant Diva Boutique in Springfield. The gals sign up ahead of time, get all dolled up, and we spent the day doing photoshoots!